2019 Mural Project

Following the success of the inaugural 9 mural installation in 2017, the Underground Mural Project 2019 brought 9 additional murals to the park this summer. Bringing together local, national, and international artists, this powerful and impactful public art installation creates one of the largest installations of public street art and infrastructure engagement in New England. 

The park has won several awards recognition from Communication Arts for its branding, Walk Boston for its contribution to urban connections, walkability and safety, the American Institute of Architects for its design, and Urban Land Institute for its innovative contribution to the city of Boston.

The featured mural artist for this latest installation are Indie184, Greg Lamarche, Dana Woulfe, Silvia Lopez Chavez, Muro, Geo Go-Five, Marka27, and Matthew Zaremba. Underground Mural Project 2019 is curated by Street Theory, powered by National Development. 


Indie184 | @indie184

Greg Lamarche | @gregbfb

Dana Woulfe | @danawoulfe

Silvia Lopez Chavez | @silvialopezchavez

Muro | @MurOne

Go Five | @gofive

Marka27 | @marka_27

Matthew Zaremba| @matthewzaremba